Jennifer Brennan
Jennifer Brennan salary and net worth: Jennifer Brennan is an American shipper for hire. In addition, she is part of the A&E reality show Shipping Wars. Jennifer Brennan is worth $600,000. Part of her net worth has been earned in the shipping industry and the other is from her appearance on reality television fee. She earns her money by auctioning jobs to transport special or "unshippable" objects to and from various parts of the country. She was introduced to this job through her love of horses, which have been a major part of her life from the time of her birth. After graduation she began receiving money to transport horses and eventually led to her getting jobs transporting other cargo types. She's shipped everything from goats that were fainting to water buffaloes and a million dollar Ferrari in the course of her career. Jennifer will share these adventures with you in her latest project, Shipping Wars. Inspiration comes from Storage Wars, another popular A&E series.
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